We are proud of our uniform and proud of our school. Please support us in striving for excellence by providing your child with the correct uniform. School uniform can be purchased from; Fashion Stop, 138 High Street North, London, E6 2HT
Is jewellery allowed?
Pupils are allowed small plain studs if they have their ears pierced. We only permit other jewellery for religious reasons and this must be discussed with a member of SLT. All jewellery must be removed on PE days - staff will not be able to help pupils take out earrings.
Is makeup allowed?
We do not permit makeup at school. Nail polish is not permitted.

PE Expectations
PE is a National Curriculum subject. We expect all pupils to take part in 2 hours of PE per week. Lessons are taught both indoors and outdoors (weather permitting).
Our school expectation is that pupils come to school in their PE kit on the days that they have PE. The kit consists of a T shirt in a house colour, grey jogging bottoms or black shorts and trainers or plimsolls. Please see an example of two of the house colours below;
The kit consists of a T shirt in a house colour, grey shorts or jogging bottoms and trainers or plimsolls.
Please note, your child’s PE day may change from week to week. Your will be informed of this by your child’s class teacher.