At Calverton we have a 21 placed Resourced Provision, which we call the Treehouse. We believe that all the pupils who access their learning in our Treehouse provision are entitled to, and deserve, a broad, balanced and rewarding curriculum that provides them with the skills and knowledge to flourish in life.
Admission within the Treehouse resource provision is done via the Local Authority’s Special Needs Advisory Panel (Communication Pane) l. All assigned pupils to the Treehouse Resource Provision will either have an Educational Health Care Plan or are undergoing Statutory Assessments supported by multi-agency teams. Any emerging needs would be raised with parent/carers and at the Annual Review meeting.
At Calverton, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. As such, inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of the school enhanced by collaboration between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly, the child.
Our pupils who access their learning in the Treehouse provision, have a wide range of complex needs which requires us to adopt and develop a range of appropriate teaching and learning strategies. To enable us to be responsive to each child’s pathway of learning, we continually assess and review each child’s progress and adjust their pathway through the curriculum and teaching accordingly. Our intimate knowledge of children’s progress also allows us to take frequent opportunities to celebrate their achievements – something that we believe is fundamental to success. Progress towards children’s targets are shared regularly with parents so we can celebrate them together and work in partnership.
All our staff work in such a way that the learning environment is visually structured with clear communication to pupils about what is expected of them, both as individuals and in small groups. This ensures maximum information processing throughout each day allowing pupils to realise their full potential.

Our pupils who access their learning within the Treehouse provision are very much a part of our school community and where appropriate all opportunities for inclusion are explored and encouraged. Opportunities for inclusion with other children are actively sought and this may include joining outside and lunch time play, PE, curriculum lessons or educational visit in small groups or whole class, dependent upon what will work best for each child.
We are not only concerned with the gaining of knowledge and skills but also with the development of the whole child. We believe in the importance of giving our pupils a positive self-image and the confidence to enable them to function effectively in their environment and as citizens in their own communities. Our pathway curriculum is a supportive structure that promotes the development of individual resources and capabilities. It enables pupils to apply knowledge, understanding and skill in a manner that enables success in society and facilitates patterns of life-long learning and active citizenship.
Our pathway curriculum allows us to prioritise the skills that are most important to each individual. We break these skills into small steps of learning which are then carefully sequenced and taught to enable the children to acquire the skill and it use it independently. Each child’s learning journey through our curriculum is closely aligned to their own individual targets as set out in their Education, Health and Care Plan.