On the 1st June 2018, the CPD Federation was formally established and our new governing body came into effect. The governing body is made up of elected staff and parent governors, a local authority governor and co-opted governors. Our governing body will meet formally each half term, with attendance information being updated on this page regularly. The governors will also come into both schools at various points in the year to work with various staff members, the children and parents.
What do Governors do?
The purpose of governance is to:
... provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.
The 3 core functions of the governing board are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
How can I speak to a Governor?
If you would like to speak to a governor, please come in (or call) the school office to leave your contact details.
The Chair of Governors can also be contacted in this way.
Governing Body Structure
The CPD Federation Governing Body consists of 12 members - our Executive Headteacher, two parent governors (one from each school), one staff governor, one local authority governor and seven co-opted governors. Currently there are 3 vacancies, including LA Governor, on the Federation Governing Board.
Name | Category of Governor | Term of office ends | ||
Mr Darren Williams | Executive Headteacher | Member | Profile | |
Mrs Ghazala Akram | Co-Opted/ Chair | 12.10.25 | Profile | Health & Safety |
Miss Anita Waring | Co-Opted/ Vice Chair | 12.10.25 | Profile | Audit & Finance |
Mr Irfaan Ibne | Co-Opted | 12.10.25 | Profile | Wellbeing and Mental Health |
Fiona Shahik Umar | Parent Governor | 30.09.25 | Profile | RE |
Gilbertine Tchouka | Parent Governor | 30.09.25 | Profile | Safeguarding |
Steven Morrisey | Co-Opted | 12.10.25 | Profile | Looked After Children |
Julia Sund | Co-Opted | 6 Dec 23 | ||
Local Advisory Forum (LAF) - What is the LAF?
The LAF is a dedicated group of individuals who come together to support the Governance of the Federation. They provide the local tier of Governance in each school following the scheme of delegation. Their role is to:
- Provide input and perspectives on the direction of the school.
- Collaborate on decision related to school improvement.
- Act as a bridge between the school and our community.
- Review and discuss the progress made against the school plan and self evaluation.
- Review and discuss policies focussed around the school.