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Year 5 Team

Class Teacher - Rashida Sufi & Hannah Churchyard

Additional Staff 

As your child progresses through Key Stage 2, Year 5 brings exciting opportunities for further growth and development across a range of subjects. Your child will continue to explore a wide range of texts, including classic literature, poetry, and informational materials. They will deepen their comprehension skills and engage in discussions about themes and characters. Writing: Year 5 focuses on enhancing writing skills, including narrative, persuasive, and non-fiction writing. Spelling, punctuation, and grammar will be further refined. 

In Year 5 maths, your child will build upon their knowledge of multiplication and division, decimals, fractions, and geometry. Problem-solving and reasoning skills will be a key focus. Year 5 science will support your child to conduct experiments and develop their ability to think critically and scientifically. They will delve into historical events and periods such as the Victorians, exploring significant people, inventions, and social changes.Year 5 is a crucial year for building upon the foundation of knowledge and skills your child has acquired so far.