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Year 4 Team

Class Teacher - Rumena Akhtar & Abid Riaz

Additional Staff 

In Year 4, your child will continue their educational journey through the Key Stage 2 curriculum, building upon the foundation laid in previous years. The Year 4 National Curriculum covers a wide range of subjects and aims to provide a well-rounded education. In Year 4, your child will develop their reading skills by exploring a variety of texts, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. They will learn to summarise, infer, and make predictions. 

To apply their reading skills to their writing, they will further enhance their writing abilities, focusing on different text types such as narratives, instructions, and persuasive pieces. In mathematics Year 4 maths includes topics like multiplication and division, fractions, decimals, and measurement (length, weight, capacity, and time). Year 4 science introduces concepts like electricity, states of matter, sound, and living things and their habitats. Students will conduct experiments and develop their scientific inquiry skills. Overall, Year 4 aims to provide a balanced and stimulating curriculum that fosters your child's intellectual, social, and emotional growth.